Ivy Removal Bolton

Client Requirements

A regular customer called us and requested a quote for ivy removal service in Bolton. The right corner of the facade of her house was completely covered with ivy.

We did a waste removal service for the client before, and she said she was happy with the service and wanted to book a service with us once again.

Of course, we were grateful for her kind words and were happy to help with her ivy removal as soon as possible. All we needed was a couple of photos of the ivy shrub, so we can be sure we have a suitable ladder and tools.

Overgrown Ivy in Bolton

How We Prepare

We checked the images sent from the client. The ivy shrub climbed all the way to the roof of the house. We had to take the long ladder to reach it. We also noticed that it covered the guttering of the house. We had to check the state of the gutters and inspect for water damage.

Often the ivy blocks the gutter pipes, leading to overspills and costly water damages to the walls of roofing.

Once all the tools were loaded in the van the team was ready to go to the address and take rid of the overgrown ivy.

Roots of ivy in Bolton

How We Perform It

A team of two technicians to remove the ivy.

They had to be extra careful, because it turned out that there was a cable interwoven with the ivy. The team had to carefully cut and remove the ivy around the cable without damaging it.

The ivy was tripped off the wall and the roots were removed. It will take a long time before the client has any problems with ivy in that area!

Now the team had to inspect the state of the bricks, the gutters and the roofing. Everything turned out to be fine! There were no damages!

Lastly, the team loaded the green waste in the van and took it away. It took the two-men team roughly an hour to complete the service!

Ivy removed from brick wall in Bolton
Ivy roots removed

Client Feedback

The customer was happy with the service. So happy that she actually booked another ivy removal service and clearance for the back of her house. Combining it with a jet wash service to remove the dirt that ivy shrubs usually leave behind on the wall.

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